Tag Archives: motivation

You Cannot Escape How Important You Are #61

Creativity has made the world we live in. Let that sit with you for a moment. Everything around you in the room your in was once an untested idea in someone’s head. Before that, it was a revolutionary idea that seemed crazy. As creative people, we’re an integral part of this process. We choose the

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# 1 Motivation Block

Where does motivation come from, how can we get more of it, and how can we ensure that we don’t waste it? Motivation is all about being able to take action. But the question is… what action are we taking? We only want to take more action if that action is aligned with where we want to go.

How Personal Values Shape Our Creativity

Your personal values shape every aspect of your creativity, from the industry you find yourself in, to the problems you try to solve, the way you try to solve them, and how you try to market them.  Today were we talking about how your personal values influence your creativity. This episode, it’s gonna be you’re

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3 Components of Amazing Creativity

Componential Theory (Episode #53) TRANSCRIPT: Today we’re talking about the 3 components of awesome creativity.  So there’s a lot of ways to talk about what makes really creative people so creative. We’ve already talked about the Geneplore Model, which is what’s called a “Stage Model of Creativity.” Stage Models describe creativity as “A leads to

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Pull Motivation: How Curiosity Motivates Creativity (Without Leaving Us Drained)

Long before he was the world’s most famous scientist, Einstein use to sit on the bus and imagine what would happen if the bus traveled at the speed of light. His curious nature was responsible for the bizarre thought experiments he loved so much, and his continued curiosity is what motivated him to keep playing

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How To Get Addicted To Creativity: Overcome Procrastination & Enjoy Work

As your creating this week, pay special attention to the parts of the process you love. This is one of the best motivational techniques you can use. There’s no better way to start your creative process then with a burst of positive emotions.  Those positive emotions at the beginning of your workday become addicting. Procrastination

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How To Motivate Employees To Be Creative

What drives creative people to do what they do and how can we motivate people to be more creative? This is a particularly important question for businesses. While an entrepreneur might start a company because they’re already motivated to innovate, they have far less control over the people they hire.  There are 2 types of

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Instant Motivation: How Focus Influences Our Creativity

What you focus on determines how you feel. When you think about happy memories, you’ll naturally feel happier. When you think about the awful thing someone did to you in the past, before long you’ll start feeling that in your body. Your attention determines how you feel.  When we’re creating, our focus powerfully shapes our

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How Dissatisfaction Inspires Our Creativity

Creativity leads to change. Innovators change the way the world works. In recent years, they’ve radically changed how we connect with others, how we purchase things, how we find entertainment, and more.  Long before these innovations hit the market… long before the creative insight occurs, you’ll find a creative person who not happy with the

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Identity: How Protecting Your Ego Kills Your Creativity

How do you view yourself? What identity have you created for yourself? When you tell yourself the story of you, what do you say? What experiences have shaped you? What beliefs do you hold? What values guide you? Your answers to all of these questions make up your identity. They are what psychological researchers would

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