Category Archives: Creativity

4C Model of Creativity

Today we are going to be talking about the 4C Model of Creativity, which deals with what we call Creative Magnitude.  Image source: What I want you to take away from this episode is that you shouldn’t think about creativity as simply just the big ideas that have this massive impact on society. It’s

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3 Components of Amazing Creativity

Componential Theory (Episode #53) TRANSCRIPT: Today we’re talking about the 3 components of awesome creativity.  So there’s a lot of ways to talk about what makes really creative people so creative. We’ve already talked about the Geneplore Model, which is what’s called a “Stage Model of Creativity.” Stage Models describe creativity as “A leads to

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Unexpectedly Awesome: Make Room For Serendipity In Your Creativity

You don’t need to take control of every single aspect of your creativity. Make room for something unexpectedly awesome. Oftentimes, as creative people we love making decisions. We tend to be really competitive people, so we love pushing forward. While being competitive can be helpful, it also focuses us a bit too much on the

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The Creative Process: Using the Geneplore Model of Creativity

People who have studied the psychology of creativity understand that “Creativity” is an umbrella term that tries to capture a wide variety of actions that creative people take. People who see creativity as a single step are left with no action plan. Creativity isn’t something you can “DO” because it’s not actionable. The more specific

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Curiosity Goes A Long Way: The Invention of Velcro

We get frustrated by things big and small throughout the day. For most of us, we shrug it off and move on. But for the inventor, each frustration, each inconvenience, is an opportunity. I love taking my dogs on hikes. One of the common frustrations is that my dog will play around in a bush

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Kaizen: The Philosophy of Continual Improvement

Kaizen is the philosophy of continual improvement. Its premise is that small changes over a long period of time can really add up. Kaizen has been central to my personal and profession al life for over 10 years now. It’s so important to me that I have the Japanese symbol for kaizen tattooed on my

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Let Go & Create: Why You Can Start Your Next Creative Project Right Now

In this article, I’m going to show you two famous examples of how naïveté can help you launch a highly successful creative idea: One created an 11 BILLION $ industry while the other lead to one of the most celebrated celebrities of all-time. I’ll also show you 4 reasons why you should be embracing your naïveté right now.

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Why “Thinking Outside The Box” Is Completely Wrong

Every time I hear someone say “Think outside of the box” I cringe. Call it a pet-peeve, but this saying is a common misconception in creativity. When you look at the neuroscience of creativity, you see that it’s physically impossible for your brain to “Think outside the box.” That’s simply not how the brain is

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Do Traditions Hurt Creativity?

Tradition is a transmission of beliefs and activities. When those beliefs help move creative people toward exploration, they’ll benefit creativity. Tradition hurts creativity only when they are presupposing what can and cannot be done. Often, traditions do hurt creativity because they unconsciously carry with it presuppositions about what could work and what will never work. Exploration

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Simon, Chapter 1 (Beta)

The first version of “Simon, The Friendly Psycho” is available to play online. Play the current version here. In this adventure/puzzle game, you play a union rep who needs to sign up employees as the local CostMo Wholesaler.  ABOUT THE GAME: It’s a Monkey Island/Sierra Games-style adventure game with puzzles. You’ll use creative-problem solving skills

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