Author Archives: Jared Volle

How Negative Moods Affect Focus and Creativity

Your brain has a really awesome survival feature. Whenever you are in a positive mood, your brain will widen your focus, but whenever you’re in a negative mood, your brain will automatically narrow your focus. This allows it to focus on any threats or problems your facing. It’s a cool survival instinct that’s built into

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You Cannot Escape How Important You Are #61

Creativity has made the world we live in. Let that sit with you for a moment. Everything around you in the room your in was once an untested idea in someone’s head. Before that, it was a revolutionary idea that seemed crazy. As creative people, we’re an integral part of this process. We choose the

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Why Creative Ideas Are Lopsided

Think of any of the highly creative, innovative products on the market today. Think about Google, the iPhone, Tesla. Think about the most influential artist that’s ever existed. People like Picasso and Elvis Presley. They’re all wildly different, but they all share a common link: They represent ideas that are not well-rounded. When I say

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# 1 Motivation Block

Where does motivation come from, how can we get more of it, and how can we ensure that we don’t waste it? Motivation is all about being able to take action. But the question is… what action are we taking? We only want to take more action if that action is aligned with where we want to go.

3 Ways Busy Schedules Kill Creativity

3 ways that busy schedules kill creativity. Learn how busy schedules effect the creative process and how to live a happier, more creative life by taking control of your schedule.

The World’s Most Fascinating Creative Problem: How AI Safety Researchers Are Avoiding a Robot Apocalypse

In the last episode, I introduced you to how AI research sheds new light on our creative process. If you haven’t already listened to it, I recommend checking it out before listening to this episode.  To give you a short recap: For an AI to function, it needs to know A) What options it has

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Creativity In AI: What Creative People Can Learn From Artificial Intelligence

This is going to be my first 2-part series on the show. This week, I’ll introduce you to the field of creative AI’s. We’ll learn how we program AI’s to be creative, and how we can apply that knowledge to our own creativity. Next week, I’ll share with you a really interesting problem that AI

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4C Model of Creativity

Today we are going to be talking about the 4C Model of Creativity, which deals with what we call Creative Magnitude.  Image source: What I want you to take away from this episode is that you shouldn’t think about creativity as simply just the big ideas that have this massive impact on society. It’s

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How Personal Values Shape Our Creativity

Your personal values shape every aspect of your creativity, from the industry you find yourself in, to the problems you try to solve, the way you try to solve them, and how you try to market them.  Today were we talking about how your personal values influence your creativity. This episode, it’s gonna be you’re

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3 Components of Amazing Creativity

Componential Theory (Episode #53) TRANSCRIPT: Today we’re talking about the 3 components of awesome creativity.  So there’s a lot of ways to talk about what makes really creative people so creative. We’ve already talked about the Geneplore Model, which is what’s called a “Stage Model of Creativity.” Stage Models describe creativity as “A leads to

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