Tag Archives: perspectives

Change Your Mental State To Boost Your Creativity

Creativity is just as much an emotional process as it is a cognitive one. Creativity isn’t just WHAT you’re thinking, it’s HOW you’re thinking. The emotional state that you’re in when you create powerfully influences your process, which, of course, determines your outcome.  Being a stand-up comedian made this really easy for me to notice.

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Why You Can’t Rush Creativity: How Incubation Works

Ideas are like stupid children, you need to give them a chance to grow up before you’d actually want to be seen in public with them. Of course, I’m not a father, so perhaps I’m wrong.  Incubation is about giving your ideas time to mature. When you incubate a problem, you’re allowing your subconscious mind

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The Creative Personality: How Contradictory Traits Lead To Creativity

One of the most fascinating aspects of the creative personality is how often creative people have contradictory personality traits. Creative problem solving is incredibly difficult. There are so many moving pieces that it’s hard to know what to even try. This is why so much advice centers on shifting your perspective. Look at the problem

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