Tag Archives: creativity block

How Negative Moods Affect Focus and Creativity

Your brain has a really awesome survival feature. Whenever you are in a positive mood, your brain will widen your focus, but whenever you’re in a negative mood, your brain will automatically narrow your focus. This allows it to focus on any threats or problems your facing. It’s a cool survival instinct that’s built into

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# 1 Motivation Block

Where does motivation come from, how can we get more of it, and how can we ensure that we don’t waste it? Motivation is all about being able to take action. But the question is… what action are we taking? We only want to take more action if that action is aligned with where we want to go.

Creativity Without Stress: How To Create Without Worrying

Ideas don’t pop into our heads fully formed and ready to launch. The process from initial idea to a finished product worthy of other people’s attention can be a long one.  Each idea develops over time. Your very first attempt at a creative idea will likely only capture the general feeling of what you’re after.

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